My Philosophy

Every marketer comes to the table with a unique perspective that drives what they prioritize and how they go about their work. These are some of my foundational beliefs about branding and content marketing:

Attention is a precious commodity. Never squander it.

The internet has given brands infinite opportunities to tell their story. But the human mind can only take in so much! Rather than bombard people with thousands of bite-size messages, I develop targeted communications that nourish the soul and keep people coming back for more.

In other words: noise is not the same as resonance. I am highly preferential to the latter.

Authenticity beats flashy marketing, every time.

This might surprise you, but I firmly believe that you don’t need a flashy website with all the bells and whistles to be successful. Glossy brochures, custom animation, and publicity stunts won’t be the tipping point.

Showing up wholly and authentically for the people ready to jump on your bandwagon — that is what will give your organization staying power.

Excellence is key. But, perfection is the enemy of progress.

I will readily admit that I love getting lost in the weeds. Details are my specialty. Drawing out nuance to get to the root of things is part of what makes me good at my job. But I’m not here to waste your time.

My goal is to get your organization as far as possible with as targeted an investment as possible. Sometimes that means doing more with less — but often it’s more like doing less for more.